A key component of sustainable garden planter design is adaptability: good design allows for the replacement, or reworking, of components to preserve the value and materials of an earlier design when a situation requires it. Even if that situation arises early in the life cycle of a design.
Nowhere is the need for the design adaptability aspect of sustainable garden planter design more apparent than when an error has been made on large complex projects. Simple miscalculation between initial measurements and “as-built” dimension means that components ordered months earlier in a project do not fit when finally installed.
You can see in the example of sustainable garden planter design adaptability below, exactly how DeepStream’s modular planter design allowed us to cut down the lengths of planks in the middle section of a multi-section planter to accommodate an unrecorded change in dimensions at very little cost in dollars, labor, or materials.
While the wood will take a week or so to fade to the match the color or the original wood, the same design feature allows for replacement of parts, or further adaptation, for the decades long life of the planter.
Ooops! Sustainable Garden Planter Design allows for low cost corrections
Was it an error on the plans or an installation variance? It won’t matter who was to blame when the adaptability of DeepStreams sustainable garden planter design makes it quick and easy to make even major changes. DeepStream is American craftsmen hand building custom planters that reduce your stress and allow for a successful project to come in on budget and on time.
Sustainable Garden Planter Design modular rectangular wood planters joined by a new infill section
As an experienced condo developer and GC, we designed our products to make it easy for you to specify our sustainable garden planter designs. Just call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 and enjoy a successful stress free out of your garden planter, screen wall, or custom fixtures. As the hands-on president of Deepstream, with thousands of product installations, Sheila and her team are a vast wealth of current industry knowledge and resources.
Sustainable Garden Planter Design: rugged waterproof liner inside wooden planter box contained by trademark aluminum legs
All of DeepStream’s sustainable garden planter designs use a rugged waterproof plastic liner inside of the planter box, resting on marine anodized aluminum frames and legs, to ensure that planters last for decades. There is no paint or powder coating to fail.
Unlike carpenter built planters DeepStream planters carry a Lifetime Structural Warranty and all parts are replaceable and available at factory cost under DeepStream’s unique “Core Replacement Program”.
This type of liner inside of a wooden planter box, sustainable garden planter design also prevents solar gain from overheating the planter root ball which affects any single wall planter or pot. This design also creates a space to run drip irrigation lines and directed drainage.
measuring solar gain on the exterior of a planter
To find out more about how the principal of Sustainable Garden Planter Design can work to make your project stress-free and successful go to www.DeepStreamDesign.com
Long garden planters for restaurants in dark grey recycled plastic lumber creates a no-maintenance barrier wall to control access around a chic modern restaurant seating area. They may be sanitized with a pressure cleaner as there is no paint or powder coating to fail. Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters: Helping the world’s Rainforests.
In 2009, DeepStream started offering low maintenance Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters (RPL) as an alternative to tropical hardwood planters.
DeepStream’s Large square Commercial Planters made with recycled plastic lumber are strong enough to hold trees thanks to their hidden structural aluminum frames and plastic planter liners.
Over the past 12 years more and more DeepStream customers have been choosing recycled plastic lumber planters over tropical hardwoods harvested from rainforests. By 2017, RPL was specified more often than natural wood thanks to the concern of our customers and their commitment to the environment.
High profile green roof projects such as Boston’s Fenway Park have chosen DeepStream’s planters as the perfect combination of sustainable design, recycled, and recyclable content providing both the lowest total impact on the environment and lowest cost of ownership over time and low maintenance.
Sales of DeepStream Designs’ Recycled Plastic Lumber products exceeded those of Tropical Hardwood by 2017
Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters reduce maintenance costs while enhancing your properties and brands through the timeless beauty and environmental statement that DeepStream Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters, trash and recycling bins make with your customers.
Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters and combination Commercial Trash and Recycling Receptacle
Like many successful companies, DeepStream was created in a response to a need. While building a condominium project and reviewing the “universe” of garden planters, we found that what we wanted was not available elsewhere.
Wood planters were all carpenter-built with wood-on-wood construction, and as I’ve detailed in my Planter Selection Blog and, like many other construction techniques and materials, they just don’t last and waste a precious resource and your money. They give your business a bad image of low quality and lack of care, it’s better not to use any at all.
Rickety planter with carpenter built techniques soon fall apart as the planter goes to wet and dry cycles
The valuable wood harvested from the world’s rapidly diminishing rainforests is wasted, as the planters tear themselves apart and are thrown away in a few years (typically 3-4 years here in Miami).
Wood Planters using carpenter built techniques soon fall apart
If your project absolutely must use tropical hardwood, then specify DeepStream’s Mariner Planter System as it is engineered with the principles of Sustainable Design to use, or even reuse, hardwood or recycled plastic lumber in a design that honors the wood, allowing construction that extends wood life by decades.
While not as environmentally friendly as recycled plastic lumber planters DeepStream Commercial Wood Planters will last for decades and create a bright natural sidewalk café while absorbing carbon, giving off oxygen, cooling the sidewalk, and creating business for the restaurant inside that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Harvesting tropical hardwood destroys important habitats around the world, even if “sustainably harvested,” as hardwood trees take 50 years or more to reach maturity. A recent article in the New York Times put the percentage of tropical hardwood illegally harvested but sold with counterfeit documents at 50% for Brazil and 90% from Peru.
According to the Yale School of Forestry, while estimates vary, it is thought that between 30 and 50% of all certified Tropical Hardwood shipped into the United states has been “Greenwashed,” meaning that shipments have been provided with falsified and counterfeit documentation. In some countries like Peru, it’s estimated that 90% are illegally logged, devastating their Amazon watershed.
Planters made with non-structural Recycled Plastic Lumber planks (RPL) inside DeepStream’s unique structural aluminum frame are a perfect choice for outdoor placement, while making a strong environmental statement.
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of standard embossed woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber
Separate from the environmental concerns about using real tropical hardwoods, we highly recommend RPL Wood Planters, especially in locations such as shopping centers and parking lots, locations serving food and drinks which stain natural wood and make a mess, or anywhere sanitation and easy maintenance are a concern. Because DeepStream’s trademark planter legs are anodized, not painted or powder coated, RPL planters can be pressure cleaned.
All natural tropical hardwood planters will turn a light gray color and show stains and mold spots if not treated with a waterproofing and UV protector several times a year. This treatment will make all wood darker over time.
Given the time and expense necessary to keep natural hardwood looking good, and the damage done to the rain forests to harvest it, versus the “set and forget” ease of using recycled plastic lumber, you should give serious thought to which you will select for your project. RPL comes with a 50-year manufacturer’s limited warranty, and DeepStream’s aluminum frame makes up for the fact that is non-structural.
DeepStream makes it easy and cost effective to go Green and stop contributing to climate change. See the comparison between natural hardwood and recycled lumber on this informative page and decide for yourself. By selecting recycled plastic lumber for your order, you will be preserving the world’s rainforests, the cooling lungs of the earth, while creating a sustainable market for post-consumer and post-industrial plastic waste.
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of premium woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber, so real you have to touch it to tell its not wood plus black and white smooth, planks. 50 year warranty, low maintenance and pressure cleanable for sanitation and to remove graffiti.
Please discuss saving this diminishing resources for future generations with clients that specify tropical hardwoods. Our recycled plastic lumber requires no maintenance and lasts for decades without fading, saving your clients money while looking better over time than wood ever will.
If you do order natural hardwood, unlike carpenter-built planters, with DeepStream’s trademark anodized aluminum extrusions you know that your purchase will last for decades and not waste this precious resource.
Like offsetting your carbon footprint by buying carbon credits, another way to reduce this impact is to replant far more trees than are used in crafting our products. We do so in our customers names through Trees for the Future.
Eliminate needless rainforest destruction by specifying DeepStream RPL planters and fixtures. The RPL DeepStream uses is backed by a 50-year limited warranty by its manufacturer.
Please call Sheila at DeepStream Designs 305 857-0466 to discuss your needs.
Trees for the Future Logo and Link
For every product DeepStream’s American craftsmen create for our clients using wood or recycled plastic lumber, we plant between 50 and 100 trees in your honor through Trees For The Future. By mid-2021 our program has planted more than 500,000 trees. Their Forest Garden program has many positive benefits for the earth and its people, in addition to planting trees.
Custom restaurant patio and sidewalk café planters and fixture are an operating and marketing strategy that builds your brand while cooling the earth.
The exterior of your restaurant and the visible restaurant patio and sidewalk planters and café fixtures give your customer thier first impression. It is critical that with a quick glance your potential customers receive a marketing message consistent with your commitment to a quality experience in dining and ambiance.
Large Rectangular Wood Sidewalk Cafe Planter
DeepStream designs and manufactures top quality custom planters, bins, waiters stations, and valet parking stands that are perfect to meet the needs of restaurants in delineating an exterior space to the same exacting standard as the interior of your establishment. Our Custom Restaurant Patio and Sidewalk Cafe Planters and Fixtures are engineered custom planters, are designed and constructed using the principles of Sustainable Design, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty along with a unique Core Replacement Program, will help you maintain our products for decades.
This is especially important for businesses in an urban environment where you cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters again and again as they tear themselves apart in just a few years.
Custom Wood Garden Planters are available as both stand-alone planters and money-saving multi-section planters in natural 3/4″ thick tongue-and groove solid tropical wood and recycled plastic lumber, with and without DeepStream’s exclusive Zephyr aluminum bands between the planks. DeepStream’s proprietary aluminum leg extrusion allows the addition of trellises, glass windbreaks and other forms of screening.
sidewalk cafe fixture Large Rectangular Wood Planters with glass windbreaks provide comfortable year-round seating at this busy commuter rail station Wine Bar-Bistro
Large Rectangular Wood restaurant patio planters with glass windbreak
Deepstream’s Trademark Mariner wood planter leg
Large Wood Planter glass windbreak
Large Wood Planter glass windbreak
A Glass Screen Wall Windbreak is mounted to no maintenance Commercial Planters that include rugged plastic liners with advanced drainage options Planters anchor Screen Wall eliminating the need for drilling into the deck, floor, or sidewalk. Marine anodized aluminum frame for salty seaside conditions,. No paint or powder coating to fail. Lifetime Structural WarrantyA casual upscale restaurant on a tropical island uses tall movable Wood Garden Planters on wheels to create a wall showcasing the open kitchen while directing traffic to creating a calm outdoor dining space under overlapping white umbrellas.
DeepStream can supply any size of food safe plastic planter liner
When space is at a premium, DeepStream’s Custom Restaurant Patio and Sidewalk Café Planters tailor food safe plastic planters and planter liners to your needs. They are available as narrow as 12″ and 18″ wide with a separate plastic liner insert with state-of-the-art drainage inside an outer box façade to ensure maximum durability as the planting medium never touches the wood and the harshest sun does not bake the root ball which causes unsightly plantings.
Narrow Sidewalk Café planter liner
DeepStream rugged waterproof recycled LLDPE food safe plastic liners with advanced drainage and easy to replant tapered design.
Large Square Wood Planter with Plastic Liner for Trees
DeepStream’s custom wood planters are an investment in the appearance of your property, and also in sustainable design. The structural aluminum frame and separate planter liner allow them to last for decades. We sell our wood planters direct to customers, eliminating the distributor markup. This allows us to use the best materials and American craftsmanship which, combined with our plastic liner-inside-a-planter-box design, means that our planters will last for generations, providing the lowest cost of ownership over time while lowering the impact on the earth’s resources.
Every planter sold by DeepStream generates 50 trees planted in return by the non-profit Trees For the Future.
Long, lightweight, wood multi-section planters are ideal for roof decks
Large Rectangular Wood Planter
Sidewalk Cafe Planters
OPUS and Oahu Trash and Recycling Receptacles are companions to our custom Restaurant Planters and Sidewalk Café Planters. They can be made from various materials and mounted with Smoker’s Outpost as shown. Oahu bins have a side-opening door for easy access to the rugged 33-gallon plastic bin inside. The door can be mounted on either side and open to the front or back.
Outdoor Wood Trash Receptacle with Smoker’s Outpost
The push flap is solid 5086 Aluminum which can be quickly and easily refinished in place. The plates swivel noiselessly on replaceable Teflon bushings. Hygienic copper push plates and no-touch openings are also available.
Large Wood Garden Planters, Trash and Recycling Bins for Restaurants
All DeepStream bins are made with 100% replaceable parts available through our unique Core Replacement Program. As with all of DeepStream products, at the end of its useful life, all components are recyclable.
Custom Food Service Carts and Waiter Bussing Stations can help build a quality outdoor dining experience that share the same commitment to customer impressions and satisfaction that you have put into the interior of your restaurant and the quality of your food..
Custom Restaurant Fixtures exterior grade cabinetry with drawers and shelves on casters.Custom Restaurant Fixtures, exterior grade cabinetry with drawers along with a combination trash and recycling receptacle set the tone for this high end restaurants outdoor dining space.
Robust construction techniques are used to create custom Valet Stands, from the simple to the complex.
Custom Valet Stand
Custom Valet Stand
We urge you to consider making a strong environmental statement, while reducing your maintenance costs, by specifying one of our 5 stock colors of 100% Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL). RPL is recycled HDPE (high-density polyethylene) from milk jugs and other polyethylene packaging that would normally be destined for landfill. Using recycled plastic lumber can help save the rainforests and slow global warming.
RPL uses no energy or materials to maintain and never needs to be painted or stained. It will not rot, splinter or split. Ultra-violet stabilizers are added to the lumber so colors will look as vibrant decades from now as they do today. DeepStream’s test of custom planters are going on 10 years in the Miami sun and look like new.
Wood and Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters
Maintenance Free Recycled Food Safe Plastic Planters are perfect for restaurants as there is no paint or powder coating to fail so they may be pressure cleaned for sanitation and raised planter boxes give pests no place to hide. Lifetime Structural Warranty.
Cost effective Long Rooftop Planters feature Simple Slide-in-Easy assembly and rugged planter liners
DeepStream Designs modular planters means that any aspect of the planter can be customized for any location including long planters of infinite length.
Whether it’s material or size, almost any special need can be accommodated. Installation in even the most difficult locations can be accomplished without cranes or lots of expensive labor. Sections assemble in 10 minutes or less once placed in location.
Click Here to see why DeepStream builds it’s planters as it does.
Large Custom Prefabricated Garden Planter Assembly is quick and easy, about 10-15 minutes per section, using a #3 screwdriver
DeepStream Design’s cost effective prefabricated modular 31″ tall 4 section Ipe wood planter with plastic liners backed with a Lifetime-Structural-Warranty
eepStream’s multi-section prefabricated modular wood garden planter with a wood screen wall.
Modular planter design means that Standard waterproof outdoor speakers can be hidden under a standard planter liner in a planter with 31″ high legs at moderate cost.
Some installations call for more. Here are pictures of one such set of custom planters, part of a larger custom project, where the Designer needed special 12” subwoofers hidden in the planter. Using a longer extrusion, for a higher leg, we were able to place the large subwoofer in a custom enclosure under the planter liner.
Custom wood aluminum planter houses a stereo speaker
Garden planter stereo speaker showing supports for waterproof liner
Planter stereo speaker enclosure with drain, speaker is under the liner
Looking down into planter liner with drain that lines up with port through the speaker, drain hose and top caps to be mounted on site are inside, foot caps temporarily caping legs during final assembly
We started with the specifications from the speaker company regarding the optimum volume and material for the speaker box required for the best sound quality. Using a special waterproof weather resistant material that met the speaker company’s resonance specifications, we built a waterproof custom speaker box to fit inside the modular planter that would retain the exact optimum interior volume after we added the necessary waterproof pass-through ports for drain and drip irrigation lines.
Custom outdoor speaker enclosure
The height of the modular planter is the result of the critical footprint dimension specified by the Landscape Architect and Interior Designer. Their design called for the planter to sit exactly on top of a specific paver size that would have a conduit for hidden power and speaker cables ported through a hole in its center. With our custom capabilities we were able to give them the exact installation they needed for both the speaker and the liner, with the necessary drainage and root depth that the specified planting called for.
In addition to our stock roto-molded waterproof planter liners DeepStream custom welds food safle planter liners, liners in house to your exact specification..
Lightweight wood planters need liners to prevent them from rotting. Here you see 16 stock sizes of rugged waterproof, food safe, plastic planter liners with advanced drainage Custom welded planter liners are available in any size.