Selecting Planter Liners

Selecting planter liners with the features your project requires will save you time, money, and effort.

DeepStream's rugged waterproof recycled LLDPE food safe plastic liners tapered design, with advanced drainage, makes them easy plant and economical to ship: click for detailed info and prices.
DeepStream’s rugged waterproof recycled LLDPE food safe plastic liners tapered design, with advanced drainage, makes them easy plant and economical to ship.

Major considerations when selecting planter liners are the shape of the planter, the material the liner is constructed with, the location of drain(s), and size relative to your landscaping requirements.

  1.  Selecting stock planter liners with a shape tapering to a smaller base makes for repotting slip-out easy and if they stack then you save money shipping.
  2.  Rugged commercial grade 3/16″ walls from UV-stable, 100% pre-consumer recycled low-density polyethylene, or polypropylene are both flexible and food-safe, they will last decades in the sun and unburden landfills as they are recyclable materials.
  3.  Side wall, not bottom drain, aids drainage. Is the drain threaded for proper drainage systems accessories if required by your locations.
  4.  There is a water reservoir below the drain for the tap root while providing a place for “fines” or clay to settle to prevent drain blockage.
  5. Liner depth is determined by the requirement of the plants you have selected.
DeepStream stock planter liner hanging by 3 straps show the strength of these Landscape Architect Grade liners.
DeepStream Landscape Architect grade stock planter liners have advanced drainage, incredible strength, are easy to replant, and economical to ship.
DeepStream's tapered liner with advanced drainage and the components of the 3-part drain pad with Bio-Barrier to prevent root blockage: click for drain pad details
DeepStream’s tapered liner with advanced drainage and the components of the 3-part drain pad with Bio-Barrier to prevent root blockage

An important consideration to successful landscaping in planters is starting with the right soil mixture and drainage for your plants.

  1. You want your container to drain well while retaining moisture but not hold water. Do not use “dirt” or any material with clay which will block drains.  Perlite is a good light weight additive if your trying to improve quick drainage, Vermiculite if your trying to retain moisture. Very course sand, like commercially available “paver base” if you need weight to prevent toppling in high winds but not fine “beach” or “mortar” sand as they will immediately block your drains.  Remember many plants have specific soil PH needs.
  2. Geo-textile fabric and drain board to provide filtration and space over drain.
  3.  BioBarrier (TM) with a plastic-embedded non-systemic herbicide, with a lower toxicity than table salt or aspirin, that creates a 2″ thick root deflection zone around the drainage material by preventing root cell tip division. The product, guaranteed effective for 15 years, has been used as a weed control system for more than 35 years in agriculture to prevent weed growth between row crops.  Drainage pads are placed over the drain hole.
  4.  To prevent clogging you need to slow the water so that the fines in the planting medium settle to the bottom and not onto the filter medium. When selecting planter liners pick one with sidewall drainage, not on the bottom. This is an integral part of the drainage system as it allows the “fines” to settle to the bottom below the sidewall drain. Traditional pea gravel is too large and the water will flow rapidly to the drain and clog it with fines.  Fine sand will flow too slow and form an impenetrable layer clogging with fines. There is no need to put rocks or gravel in the bottom of a plastic pot, it only raises the water table.

It is best to use a 2 to 4 inch thick covering of very clean, very coarse sand of between 1 and 2 mm particle size mounded over the drain filter.   For reference, the wire of a medium paper clip is 1 mm. We have had good results here in Florida with “rubber mulch”, but then we can get 6″ of rain in one day.

Paver Base or similar mediums slow water flow improving planter drainage
Paver Base or similar mediums slow water flow improving planter drainage

“Paver Base” is an acceptable readily available alternative from most large home improvement stores and will work in our planter liners with a side drain as the well below it provides a place for fines to settle.  Rubber mulch may also work for you.

A Modern Planter hand made from cumaru wood to custom specification by American craftsmen, shown unplanted with a waterproof planter liner inserted inside that his held by a hidden structural aluminum frame. Behind this front Modern Planter is a larger Modern Planter hand crafted from natural slate that holds a trellis covered in a green vine with bright red flowers that acts as a privacy screen blocking the view of air conditioning equipment behind it on a tropical roof deck.
A Modern Planter hand made from cumaru wood to custom specification by American craftsmen, shown unplanted with a waterproof planter liner inserted inside that his held by a hidden structural aluminum frame. Behind this front Modern Planter is a larger Modern Planter hand crafted from natural slate that holds a trellis that acts as a privacy screen blocking the view of air conditioning equipment behind it.
Top view of a DeepStream Waterproof Liner inside Wood Planter with a hidden aluminum frame.
These square wooden restaurant planters show how a separate waterproof liner, supported by a hidden structural aluminum frame, prevents soil from contacting the wood and the sun from heating the root ball. It’s hard to overemphasis the separate waterproof liners importance to DeepStream’s uniquely engineered 3-component planter systems adaptability and longevity.

Custom Welded Liners

Do you need extra large or custom planter liners and drip trays for your simple to extremely complex designs? 1 or 100, we are the national sources relied on by landscape architects, landscape contractors, and homeowners for over 15 years.

DeepStream doesn’t use distributors so it is easy to turn your installation challenges into solutions quickly with one phone call at factory-direct prices. Stronger and more waterproof than fiberglass planter liners our custom planter liners and drip trays are constructed of food grade polypropylene, LLDPE or HDPE plastic.

Planter Drainage: Modern Solutions

Irrigation is Critical for Container Gardening

Spring Conditioning Planter Liners

Sustainable Garden Planter Design: Adaptability

A key component of sustainable garden planter design is adaptability: good design allows for the replacement, or reworking, of components to preserve the value and materials of an earlier design when a situation requires it.  Even if that situation arises early in the life cycle of a design.

Nowhere is the need for the design adaptability aspect of sustainable garden planter design more apparent than when an error has been made on large complex projects. Simple miscalculation between initial measurements and “as-built” dimension means that components ordered months earlier in a project do not fit when finally installed.

You can see in the example of sustainable garden planter design adaptability below, exactly how DeepStream’s modular planter design allowed us to cut down the lengths of planks in the middle section of a multi-section planter to accommodate an unrecorded change in dimensions at very little cost in dollars, labor, or materials.

While the wood will take a week or so to fade to the match the color or the original wood, the same design feature allows for replacement of parts, or further adaptation, for the decades long life of the planter.

sustainable garden planter design modular rectangular wood planters
Ooops! Sustainable Garden Planter Design allows for low cost corrections

Was it an error on the plans or an installation variance?  It won’t matter who was to blame when the adaptability of DeepStreams sustainable garden planter design makes it quick and easy to make even major changes.  DeepStream is American craftsmen hand building custom planters that reduce your stress and allow for a successful project to come in on budget and on time.

sustainable garden planter design modular rectangular wood planters
Sustainable Garden Planter Design                                         modular rectangular wood planters joined by a new infill section

As an experienced condo developer and GC, we designed our products to make it easy for you to specify our sustainable garden planter designs.  Just call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 and enjoy a successful stress free out of your garden planter, screen wall, or custom fixtures.  As the hands-on president of Deepstream, with thousands of product installations, Sheila and her team are a vast wealth of current industry knowledge and resources.

Sustainable Garden Planter Design waterproof plastic planter liner inside wooden planter box
Sustainable Garden Planter Design: rugged waterproof liner inside wooden planter box contained by trademark aluminum legs

All of DeepStream’s sustainable garden planter designs use a rugged waterproof plastic liner inside of the planter box, resting on marine anodized aluminum frames and legs, to ensure that planters last for decades.  There is no paint or powder coating to fail.

Unlike carpenter built planters DeepStream planters  carry a Lifetime Structural Warranty and all parts are replaceable and available at factory cost under DeepStream’s unique “Core Replacement Program”.

This type of liner inside of a wooden planter box, sustainable garden planter design also prevents solar gain from overheating the planter root ball which affects any single wall planter or pot. This design also creates a space to run drip irrigation lines and directed drainage.

measuring planter solar gain
measuring solar gain on the exterior of a planter

To find out more about how the principal of Sustainable Garden Planter Design can work to make your project stress-free and successful go to

Fiberglass Planters

Harlie Commercial Fiberglass Planters, designed by by Luxbox Design built by Tournesol.

Fiberglass Planters offer a variety of designs and are a cost-effective medium-term solution available in a large variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Click for a link to DeepStream's Desktop Website for more info on Fiberglass Urban-Tall Garden Planters
Landscape Architect-quality Fiberglass planters distributed by DeepStream

If you need a rugged planter to which you can attach accessories, then DeepStream’s own wood and recycled plastic lumber planters, created using the principles of sustainable design, may be a better solution than fiberglass planters.

More durable than other planters, but more limited in form, DeepStream’s commercial wood and aluminum planters deliver excellent value for money. With a Lifetime Structural Warranty, they reduce the overall effort and time that goes into bringing vibrant gardens to barren urban spaces in need of their beneficial cooling and air quality enhancing properties.  

Click for a link to DeepStream's Desktop Website more info on Fiberglass Wilshire Garden Planters
Landscape Architect-quality Fiberglass planters distributed by DeepStream

However, if you need more options in terms of form and style, three of the best alternatives to wooden garden planters are Fiberglass-reinforced Plastic (FRP), Glass-fiber-reinforced Concrete (GFRC), and Aluminum.

It is important to understand that products manufactured with these materials run the scale from virtually worthless to the quality that Landscape Architects specify for signature projects.  

Village GFRC Planters in Aged Bronze
Round Village GFRC Planters, shown in Aged Bronze, are also available in square shapes.

There are a lot of considerations that go into choosing the right planter for a particular location including: form, root ball heating, and drainage, as well as the inherent limitations of materials and construction methods.  You will find a detailed discussion of the issues with a lot of supporting pictures in my earlier blog entry, Planter Selection, so I’ll not repeat them here.  

Fiberglass is an excellent lightweight material with which to create interesting modern planter forms and surfaces such as an outer gelcoat infused with metal, which oxidizes over time, a favorite of mine for its understated elegance.  You will find a myriad of forms and sizes available on the DeepStream website, and while there are four metal finishes, my favorites are the copper and bronze.

Craftsman FRP Planters with bronze metal-infused finish
Landscape Architect-quality FRP garden planters distributed by DeepStream

Tournesol planters distributed by DeepStream are made with expensive polyester-based fiberglass strands as used in yacht construction, but it is chopped and sprayed, not laid up in biaxial mats, where the hull has constant exposure to water. This Fiberglass-reinforced Plastic (FRP) is sprayed into molds that have been prepared with gel-coat.

Modern round fiberglass garden planter - Aquarian
Landscape Architect-quality fiberglass garden planter distributed by DeepStream

FRP is a lightweight, strong material made up of layers of polyester resin alternated with glass strand. The strength and durability of fiberglass depend upon the number of layers of resin and glass. To ensure the longevity of the planters, they are waterproofed with an additional layer of black gelcoat resin inside.

The large rectangular commercial-grade movable Fiberglass Planters in the photos below were supplied by DeepStream to the restaurant operator at New York’s Rockefeller Center.  The planters rest on caster bases so that they may be rearranged to meet the operators changing needs. At summer’s end, they are simply rolled away to storage to reopen the famous ice skating rink during the winter season. 

Click for a link to DeepStream's Desktop Website and more info on large movable fiberglass planters on casters
Rockefeller Center: large movable fiberglass planters on casters provided by DeepStream Designs
large movable fiberglass planters on casters
Rockefeller Center: large movable fiberglass planters on casters provided by DeepStream Designs
large movable fiberglass planters on casters
Rockefeller Center: large movable fiberglass planters on casters provided by DeepStream Designs
large movable fiberglass planters on casters
Rockefeller Center: large movable fiberglass planters on casters provided by DeepStream Design
large movable fiberglass planters on casters
Rockefeller Center: large movable fiberglass planters on casters provided by DeepStream Designs

Issues with Fiberglass Planters

Fiberglass planters are lightweight and strong for their weight and thickness, but they are rigid and brittle. While the fiberglass planters we sell have a 3-year warranty, a 1-year warranty is more common.

Although the planters shown in the pictures below ARE NOT the fiberglass planters we sell, you need to be aware that all fiberglass planters are brittle, unlike wood or aluminum. Looking closely, you can see the vertical cracks that are developing over the edge in the center of this planter’s stiffening flange as the roots push out. Once the flange goes it leads to a catastrophic splitting failure, as the flange is responsible for structural strength.

Fiberglass planters are brittle. Without looking closely, you can't see the vertical cracks that are developing.
Fiberglass planters are brittle. Without looking closely, you can’t see the vertical cracks that are developing that will lead to total planter failure in just a short time.
Fiberglass planters are brittle.  Corners and the middle section are the first to go.
Fiberglass planters are brittle. Corners and the middle section are the first to go. The top flange is what stiffens the planter walls, and once they crack, it leads to catastrophic failure. This is why even the best fiberglass planters have just a 3-year warranty.

When roots push out against the side walls, first the flange cracks, then the long side panels spit vertically. While it is possible to prevent this in construction, it is costly. Currently most of these “me too” planter manufacturers are competing on price, with Indian and Chinese imports skimping on materials. 

Fiberglass planters are brittle. Looking closely you can see the vertical cracks that are developing.
Fiberglass planters are brittle. Looking closely, you can see the vertical cracks that are developing over the edge as the roots push out which will lead to a catastrophic failure. This is why even the best fiberglass planters have just a 3-year warranty.

Most fiberglass planters are light at the expense of strength and may not be durable enough for certain location.  This is why even the best manufacturers provide just a 3-year warranty.

In addition, fiberglass planters are almost all single-walled and prone to solar gain. White or light-colored finishes would be better in sunny locations.  They do not have drainage control, nor do they hide drip irrigation lines. 

The large expensive planters shown below are installed in Miami’s downtown area and, while shaded by buildings, they are not really rugged enough for the streetscapes in which they are installed, nor do they have much surface area.  Believe it or not, these planters are just 1/8″ thick painted skins of chopped fiberglass sprayed into a mold.

Fiberglass planters are thin, lightweight and strong, but are brittle and prone to damage
Fiberglass planters are thin, lightweight and strong, but are brittle and prone to damage
While most "me too" planters are lightweight at the expense of strength, they may not be durable enough for certain locations.  Currently most fiberglass planter manufacturers are competing on price, with Indian and Chinese imports skimping on materials.
This one passes the 6-foot test, but look closely. While these planters are lightweight at the expense of strength, they may not be durable enough for certain locations. Currently most of these “me too” planter manufacturers are competing on price, with Indian and Chinese imports skimping on materials.
Light and relatively inexpensive planters of this type are brittle and easily damaged, and can be split by roots.
Light and relatively inexpensive planters are brittle and easily damaged, and can be split by roots, even when not damaged like the planter above.

Spring Conditioning Planter Liners

DeepStream Design’s rugged plastic planter liners make spring conditioning easy.

Perennial plants grown in planter liners have special needs.  With spring here in Miami, I’ve noticed that it’s well past time to repot some of my smaller ornamental plants.  Others plants like Clusia have very aggressive roots and liners need to be removed and roots trimmed every year.

Tools Needed:

You need to remove plants from their planter liners periodically to alleviate their root bound condition. This give you the opportunity to add fresh potting medium. You will also check that the liner is draining efficiently.  DeepStream Designs rugged plastic liner is flared making this a easy with just a few tools: A long serrated knife, perhaps scissors, a tarp, a broom, and dust pan. Cut off the bottom third of the root system, then break up the root ball as much as possible.

Remove the bottom third of the root ball
Container Gardening Root Bound


I’m using rubber mulch this year in my drainage plan for ornamentals, but not in my herb or citrus garden planters. because it is lighter than pebbles or gravel used in traditional drainage plans. This makes it ideal to reduce the load on your balcony or rooftop if you don’t need the weight of gravel to keep your pots from tipping in high winds.

I use rubber mulch to fill the bottom of my pots and liners up to the level above the top of my drain, about 3”-4”, after I put in DeepStream’s drain pads (drain board, Bio-Barrier to prevent root blockage, and geo-fabric sandwich) in place over the drain hole and cover that with 4” of Paver Base (very coarse 2mm sand) or even rubber mulch in a pinch as I did this year.

Planting Medium

Your potting medium will depend on your climate and your plants, as well as the type of drainage and watering system you’re using.  We use drip irrigation and mist sprayers on timers. In Miami where we can get 6″ of rain in 6 hours I use a fast-draining medium to which I add perlite and paver base to further increase drainage rates.  You tailor your soil in dry climates by adding vermiculite to retain moisture .

container gardening repotting supplies
Container gardening requires a few simple repotting supplies. Don’t forget a tarp, broom, and dust pan.


I installed micro valves on every planter liner so that I can adjust the rate of watering for each planter liner.  Reduce the flow to the point that water does not seep out the drain except when it rains.

Click on the picture to go to DripWorks website to order all the parts you need to install drip irrigation. It’s a very informative and complete website, cost competitive, and their system are plug and play easy to install.

Automatic Drip Irrigation Manifold with Rain Sensor and 4 active zones.  Click pic to link to DripWorks website for more information.
Automatic Drip Irrigation Manifold with Rain Sensor and 4 active zones.

Repotting large plants:

With the Clusia the the steps are almost identical.

accessing the planter liner for spring conditioning
Lay the planter over on a padded surface and slide the liner out.
Remove roots growing over the sides of the planter liner if the liner won't slide out.
Remove roots growing over the sides of the planter liner if the liner won’t slide out
The planter, planter liner, and planter drainage design all play an important role in planting maintenance and root trimming.
A bulging planter liner indicates it's time for root pruning
A bulging planter liner indicates it’s time for root pruning, it’s roots like these Calusia that have torn apart large pre-columbian temples in Central and South America.

Removed the plant from the liner to trim the the larger roots easily,  The tapered shape of DeepStream liners makes it easy to simply slide the root ball from the liner to trim and replant.

Paver Base or similar mediums slow water flow improving planter drainage
Paver Base, rubber mulch, or similar mediums slow water flow, improving planter drainage by allowing “fines” that can clog the drain to settled below the side drain.

Before repotting add a DeepStream’s 3 part-part planter drain pad with Bio-Barrier over the drain holes to aid in root blocking and to retain the planting medium and slow the flow of the water towards of the drain.

DeepStream Designs advanced 3-layer drain pad created with drain board, filter fabric, and Biobarrier
DeepStream Designs creates an advanced 3-layer drain pad out of drain board, filter fabric, and Biobarrier for you so all you have to do to maximize drainage is to place the pad over the DeepStream linner sidewall drain port and hold in place with the appropriate material to slow the flow of water to the drain.

Hold the drain pad in place over the hole, fabric side against the hole, with paver base or similar coarse medium, never sand, with out any clay in it. You can even use rubber mulch in a pinch.

Planter Liner after root trimmed
Planter Liner after root trimmed

With all the roots trimmed for the year your plant and planter liner shape should be restored for another year.

Selecting tapered planter liners with the drainage features your project requires will save you time, money, and effort. Read more specifics about Selecting-planter-liners and here is a video link showing how quick easy it can be to replant.

Happy gardening! Tom

Lightweight Planters

Lightweight, cost-effective, long garden planters by DeepStream Designs are specified by Landscape Architects to integrate green roof and balcony landscaping into new construction and existing historic projects with strict weight load limits.

Using lightweight planters reduces the weight of structural components allowing for more plants and planting medium.  

The engineered structural integrity of DeepStream’s 3-component commercial planter system is backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty and will last for decades. The marine anodized finish on the proprietary aluminum legs keep them looking great. There is no paint or powder coating to fail.

800 feet of DeepStream Designs lightweight modular multi-section planter system, shown on a roof deck in midtown Manhattan, made with maintenance free recycled plastic lumber
800 feet of DeepStream Designs lightweight modular multi-section planter system, shown on a roof deck in midtown Manhattan, made with maintenance free recycled plastic lumber

More than a planter, DeepStream’s Commercial Planters are a complete 3-part engineered system. Proprietary anodized aluminum legs are engineered to contain the wooden planter box as it expands and contracts through endless wet and dry cycles. The legs support a hidden aluminum frame that allows for hidden drip integration systems and drainage while holding the waterproof liner with advanced drainage options.

Fiberglass planters are easily cracked and painted or powder coated Aluminum Planters finishes soon fail and are easy to dent.

Fiberglass planters are brittle, corners and middle section are the first to go.
Fiberglass planters are brittle, corners and middle section are the first to go. the top flange is what stiffens them and once they crack it leads to catastrophic failure. this is why even the best fiberglass planters only have a 3 year warranty.

DeepStream’s American craftsmen custom build your planters from two types of proprietary aircraft aluminum extrusions which provide structural frames for wood, copper, slate, or recycled plastic lumber that will last for decades.  For more information on maintenance free Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters that save money and resources while making a strong environmental statement.

Cost effective solution to line, or create, parapet wall, assembles easily with unskilled labor and ships with all tools included. Click for details
800 feet of DeepStream Designs lightweight modular multi-section planter system, shown on a roof deck in midtown Manhattan, is made with maintenance free recycled plastic lumber
Marine anodized aluminum legs and aircraft aluminum frame backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty: click for details
Marine anodized aluminum legs and aircraft aluminum frame backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty assembles in just 15 minutes per section with all tool included.
DeepStream Designs lightweight complete modular multi-section planter system with maintenance free recycled plastic lumber, installs quickly, reduces maintenance labor saving and lasts for decades
DeepStream Commercial Multi-Section planters are perfect for urban roof decks where its expensive to maintain and replace planters standard planters.

A lightweight structural aluminum system for long planters allows for long straight runs of unlimited length while accommodating right-angle corners.

These garden planters with a structural aluminum frame have optional gates, trellises, privacy screen walls, parapet railings, large panels, or any combinations of features.

The aluminum frame of DeepStream's commercial planters makes mounting a  garden gate slip-in easy. Click for details.
DeepStream Designs garden gate mounted on two recycled plastic lumber Mariner planters
By using DeepStream's Commercial Planters to anchored Screen Walls and Enclosures you don't need to penetrate roof membranes, balconies decks, or sidewalks with fasteners: click for more information
Lightweight Mariner Commercial Planter Anchored Screen Walls adds natural colorful privacy to roof decks without requiring problematic roof membrane penetration.

Designed with modern architectural lines, these modular lightweight planters are available in standard 21”, 31” & 42” heights, with economical custom options available.

Engineered to last for decades, DeepStream’s lightweight garden planter systems use separate rugged waterproof plastic liners and filter packs that prevent drain blockage.

16 sizes of rugged waterproof stock planter liners and custom welded liners to any size: click the picture for more information
Lightweight wood planters need liners. Here you see 16 stock sizes of rugged waterproof, food safe, plastic planter liners with advanced drainage Custom welded planter liners are available in any size.
DeepStream Designs advanced 3-layer drain pad created with drain board, filter fabric, and Biobarrier: click for details
DeepStream Designs creates an advanced 3-layer drain pad out of drain board, filter fabric, and Biobarrier for you so all you have to do to maximize drainage is to place the pad over the DeepStream linner sidewall drain port and hold in place with the appropriate material to slow the flow of water to the drain.

The liner-within-a-planter design not only provides a crucial thermal break to prevent root ball stress, but they also facilitate hiding irrigation, modern advanced drainage, and lighting infrastructure.

The tapered design of DeepStream’s stock liners not only provides critical irrigation, they make it easy to replant, or trim root, as part of a spring conditioning that will allow plants to flourish for years.

DeepStream's Large Lightweight Wood Planter System
DeepStream Design’s multi-section lightweight wooden planters reduce roof loading and do not require roof membrane penetrations
DeepStream Designs lightweight planter showing plastic liner detail: click for more details on planter liners
DeepStream Designs lightweight wood multi-section planter and plastic liner detail. Liners contain the soil, provide optimal drainage, hide drip irrigation, electrical, and directed drainage systems.
Click for more details on DeepStream Designs lightweight, cost effective, multi-section planters with plastic liner and Lifetime Structural Warranty
DeepStream’s lightweight multi-Section Modular Planters are an engineered planter system with proprietary marine anodized legs forming a wood planter box that hides an internal structural aluminum frame that supports a waterproof planter liner with advanced drainage and drip irrigation. Lifetime Structural Warranty.
DeepStream's Large Lightweight Wood Planter System: click for more detailed information
DeepStream’s Commercial Wood Planters with a Lifetime Structural Warranty are lightweight self-contained engineered system comprised of a wood planter box, structural aluminum frame, and waterproof planter liner with advanced drainage.

Planters are quickly assembled on site, 10-15 minutes per section, even by inexperienced sub-contractors using just a screwdriver.  Landscape contractors can pre-plant liners to speed installation while reducing labor, cartage, and clean-up.

DeepStream Designs multi-section lightweight planter aluminum frame detail: click for details
DeepStream Designs lightweight multi-section garden planter aluminum frame detail. Proprietary T-Legs allow for cost saving planter runs of unlimited length

The speed and neatness of the DeepStream planter system is especially important for your customers in high rise urban condominiums where approval by condo boards must be obtained before projects can begin.

No cranes and street closing permits are necessary as the modular design and packaging allow these lightweight planters to be brought up elevators or even carried up stairs by day laborers.

DeepStream Designs lightweight planter and plastic liner detail: click for details on planter liners
DeepStream Designs lightweight wood multi-section planter and plastic liner detail

Each project has custom assembly instructions using keyed versions of your drawings and photos of your actual planters taken during test assembly at our manufacturing facility.

Long section of DeepStream Designs lightweight planter with plastic liner and Lifetime structural warranty
DeepStream Designs lightweight wood multi-section planter with plastic liner and Lifetime structural warranty

When placed up against walls non-visible planks can be left off the back to save both weight and expense.

DeepStream's Long Food Safe Plastic Planters are perfect for urban roof decks where its expensive to maintain and replace planters standard planters.
DeepStream’s long food safe plastic Planters are perfect for urban roof decks where it’s expensive to maintain and replace planters standard planters. HDPE is UV resistant, requires no maintenance, and last for decades. The aluminum frame has a Lifetime Structural Warranty.

Your project is custom manufactured to your exact needs, erected, labeled, disassembled, bundled, and crated to allow for cost-effective delivery to even the hardest to reach construction sites.  

With thousands of installations, and planters of every type, DeepStream is ready to be your planter expert.  Call Sheila at (305) 857-0466 for more information and a 32 point checklist to ensure that your project is successfully completed ontime, on budget, and without stress.


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