Custom restaurant patio and sidewalk café planters and fixture are an operating and marketing strategy that builds your brand while cooling the earth.
The exterior of your restaurant and the visible restaurant patio and sidewalk planters and café fixtures give your customer thier first impression. It is critical that with a quick glance your potential customers receive a marketing message consistent with your commitment to a quality experience in dining and ambiance.
DeepStream designs and manufactures top quality custom planters, bins, waiters stations, and valet parking stands that are perfect to meet the needs of restaurants in delineating an exterior space to the same exacting standard as the interior of your establishment. Our Custom Restaurant Patio and Sidewalk Cafe Planters and Fixtures are engineered custom planters, are designed and constructed using the principles of Sustainable Design, backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty along with a unique Core Replacement Program, will help you maintain our products for decades.
This is especially important for businesses in an urban environment where you cannot afford the time, money, disruption, mess, damage, and inconvenience required to replace carpenter-built wood planters again and again as they tear themselves apart in just a few years.
Custom Wood Garden Planters are available as both stand-alone planters and money-saving multi-section planters in natural 3/4″ thick tongue-and groove solid tropical wood and recycled plastic lumber, with and without DeepStream’s exclusive Zephyr aluminum bands between the planks. DeepStream’s proprietary aluminum leg extrusion allows the addition of trellises, glass windbreaks and other forms of screening.

DeepStream can supply any size of food safe plastic planter liner

DeepStream’s custom wood planters are an investment in the appearance of your property, and also in sustainable design. The structural aluminum frame and separate planter liner allow them to last for decades. We sell our wood planters direct to customers, eliminating the distributor markup. This allows us to use the best materials and American craftsmanship which, combined with our plastic liner-inside-a-planter-box design, means that our planters will last for generations, providing the lowest cost of ownership over time while lowering the impact on the earth’s resources.
Every planter sold by DeepStream generates 50 trees planted in return by the non-profit Trees For the Future.
OPUS and Oahu Trash and Recycling Receptacles are companions to our custom Restaurant Planters and Sidewalk Café Planters. They can be made from various materials and mounted with Smoker’s Outpost as shown. Oahu bins have a side-opening door for easy access to the rugged 33-gallon plastic bin inside. The door can be mounted on either side and open to the front or back.
The push flap is solid 5086 Aluminum which can be quickly and easily refinished in place. The plates swivel noiselessly on replaceable Teflon bushings. Hygienic copper push plates and no-touch openings are also available.
All DeepStream bins are made with 100% replaceable parts available through our unique Core Replacement Program. As with all of DeepStream products, at the end of its useful life, all components are recyclable.
Custom Food Service Carts and Waiter Bussing Stations can help build a quality outdoor dining experience that share the same commitment to customer impressions and satisfaction that you have put into the interior of your restaurant and the quality of your food..

Robust construction techniques are used to create custom Valet Stands, from the simple to the complex.
We urge you to consider making a strong environmental statement, while reducing your maintenance costs, by specifying one of our 5 stock colors of 100% Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL). RPL is recycled HDPE (high-density polyethylene) from milk jugs and other polyethylene packaging that would normally be destined for landfill. Using recycled plastic lumber can help save the rainforests and slow global warming.
RPL uses no energy or materials to maintain and never needs to be painted or stained. It will not rot, splinter or split. Ultra-violet stabilizers are added to the lumber so colors will look as vibrant decades from now as they do today. DeepStream’s test of custom planters are going on 10 years in the Miami sun and look like new.