Recycled Plastic Lumber makes a Garden Green

The Ultimate Recycling Statement

DeepStream Designs’ mantra:  “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” is evident in recycled plastic lumber planters and recycling bins created to reduce human impact on the environment.  As I pointed out in a blog on Plastic Lumber Planters  more and more customers are making the switch to recycled plastic lumber reducing environmental impact at the same time as maintenance costs.

Recycled Plastic Lumber is perfect for clients that are working on projects striving to integrate sustainable design into their projects.  Using Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL) for planters not only reduces tropical rainforest deforestation but it also greatly reduces maintenance for you saving you time, money, and effort.

The color of Recycled Plastic Lumber Planters Vs the color of 3 year old tropical hardwood planter like teak

For 10 years now, DeepStream Designs has been building planters with the same sophisticated design as the  wood Mariner planter using HDPE plastic lumber made from 100% recycled milk jugs and also planters from Phenolic resin and 100% recycled cardboard.  Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL) combined with our trademark marine aluminum extrusions and aircraft aluminum frameless design is a no-nonsense “set and forget it package” perfect for restaurants, commercial installations, and residential projects where minimal maintenance is as important as aesthetics.

As with all planters, the plants themselves help cool the earth,  cleaning the air by producing oxygen as they convert and trap carbon.  In addition, RPL planters crafted by  DeepStream reduce man’s impact on the environment because:


– Using recycled plastic lumber or cardboard and phenolic lumber planks eliminates the cutting of trees and uses far less energy to ship and manufacture.

– The plastic lumber DeepStream uses is made from recycled HDPE (high-density polyethylene) from milk jugs and other polyethylene packaging that might otherwise be destined for landfills.

– The planter and recycle bin liners are also both made from  LLDPE ( low–density polyethylene).

– Aluminum, the world’s most available and abundant mineral, legs and straps, along with plastic components are 100% recyclable.

  • Maintenance Free!

– Uses no energy, chemicals, or materials to maintain.

– Recycled plastic lumber  never needs to be painted, oiled, or stained and won’t rot, splinter or split an in DeepStream’s marine anodized frame with no paint or powder coating to fail it can be pressure cleaned.

Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of standard embossed woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of standard embossed woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of premium woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber plus black and white smooth, planks
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of premium wood grain Recycled Plastic Lumber, so real you have to touch it to tell its not wood plus black and white smooth, planks. 50 year warranty, low maintenance and pressure cleanable for sanitation and to remove graffiti.
3 samples of tropical hardwood options Ipe, Jatoba, and Cumaru
3 Tropical Hardwood Options

– Proprietary extruded legs of 6063-T5  aluminum are finished with a durable etched marine anodized finish and HDPE non-scuff feet.

– Stainless steel fasteners are installed with dialectric paste to prevent corrosion.

– Modular design facilitates easy repair should a product be damaged.   Recycle the damaged piece and receive a replacement piece at DeepStream’s manufacturing cost, using their Core Replacement Program.  Don’t throw away that valuable product!

  • RPL Colors won’t fade – Ultra-violet stabilizers used in the lumber ensure colors look as vibrant decades from now as they do today.
  • Cost EffectiveWorking with 100% recycled plastic lumber and cardboard phenolic lumber not only reduces production costs, but it also requires NO MAINTENANCE, reducing the life-cycle-cost of ownership over time compared to wood Garden Planters.

While the 100% recycled plastic lumber specified for DeepStream is still full 3/4″ thick tongue and groove planking with a simulated wood grain, and only a few cents a square foot less than natural hardwood lumber, several aspects of Commercial LEED Garden Planters and Recyclers reduce the manufacturing cost without cutting quality so that DeepStream can pass along the savings to its customers:

  • Planter Boxes and waterproof liners with drainage are stocked in specific sizes to eliminate waste.
  • Planing, sanding, and hand-rubbed finish are eliminated taking hours off of production time and saving energy.

Optional drain attachments with overflow control on the liners allow  planters to be used in any interior or exterior installations.

Planters with liners ship fully assembled, just add dirt, or they can be disassembled for shipping or flat storage in 15 minutes.

DeepStream's 100% recycled cardboard Phenolic lumber
DeepStream’s 100% recycled cardboard Phenolic lumber
RPL Tropical Hardwood Grain
RPL Tropical Hardwood Grain
Ipe Brown 100% RPL on top of natural Ipe
Ipe Brown 100% RPL on top of natural Ipe
RPL Aged Hardwood Grain
RPL Aged Hardwood Grain

“Ipe” Brown RPL planters

DeepStream LEED 100% Recycled Plastic Ipe Brown Planter
DeepStream LEED 100% Recycled Plastic Ipe Brown Planter

“Ipe” Brown RPL planters

DeepStream' LEED 100% recycled plastic and aluminum garden planters
DeepStream’ LEED 100% recycled plastic and aluminum garden planters

Phenolic, cardboard and resin, planks look like leather and thrive in the harshest conditions.

Shown here with aluminum Zephyr banding separating the planks on a 36″ cube Mariner planter and stock liner.

DeepStream planter made with 100% recycled cardboard lumber
DeepStream planter made with 100% recycled cardboard lumber

For more information on Sustainable Garden Planter Design click here.

Landscape Architects Help You Avoid Expensive Mistakes!

DeepStream large commercial planters with screen wall and the fight soil mixture grow colorful flowers on this urban roof deck oasis

Using Landscape Architects will save you money as you choose the proper plants for your site specific micro-climate. As you consider the integration of watering, nutrition, PH, soil weight vs depth and drainage it creates a complex matrix of possibilities that can make your head spin.

Roof top planters create a jungle that cools a building saving the penthouse 20% on electricity
Roof top planters create a jungle that cools a building saving the penthouse 20% on electricity

Believe me when I say: make a conscious decision not to use a Landscape Architect for larger projects because you WANT to go through the learning process, or because you have already been through the school of hard knocks, not because you want to save money.

While I acknowledge that I’m the type of person who wants to know “everything” and research the “double hell” out of everything I do, there are many things I either don’t have time for or don’t have enough interest in to get down to the really fine details about.

Having said that, probably like you since you’re reading this, when I do the research I want to buy as direct as possible and with DeepStream you are buying factory direct.

Mother nature’s miracle is making overwhelmingly complex systems naturally simple and available.  However, an extensive container garden or green roof is a totally artificial environment vs a backyard.

You need to pick the right planting medium for your plants, planters, environment, and drainage conditions.
There are many starting options as you create the right planting medium for your plants, planters, environment, and drainage conditions.

You are trying to mimic nature and chances are that over the long run you won’t save money on larger projects without using the services of a  Landscape Architect.  I don’t want you kicking yourself later.

As in back-country powder skiing and mountain climbing, you don’t get all the information from a book.  It takes years of experience to understand local conditions and seasonal changes to stay alive. The same is true for your plants.

When property owners and customers of DeepStream Designs contact me about large planter projects directly we make a conscious effort to have you at least consider the services of a Landscape Architect.

Landscape Architects large recycled plastic planter for trees
large recycled plastic planter for trees

Believe me, if you have even a medium-size project, the slight mark up Landscape Architects may put on products in addition to their fee is money well invested if you, or your project, are the type that can’t live with expensive and time consuming false starts.

Click here for more information on Landscape Architects

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