Wooden Planter Design

DeepStream Planters will last decades while Carpenter built planter construction  will only last 3 to 5 years. 

DeepStream's Commercial Wood Planters have a hidden aluminum frame

DeepStream’s Planters are a 3-part engineered system modular assembly of replaceable parts which incorporates DeepStream’s trademark marine anodized aluminum legs, tropical hardwood or maintenance free recycled plastic lumber panels, and sturdy aircraft aluminum frame that supports a food safe, 100% recycled LLDPE waterproof liner.

Don’t confuse these planters with carpenter built planters that will fall apart in 3 to 5 years.

Deep’Streams engineered system internal aluminum frame supporting the liner, with advanced drainage solutions, allows for a Lifetime Structural Warranty.

If you’re an owner or manager of a property where a wooden planter will be placed give serious consideration to planter construction techniques. Consider what it will mean in terms of cost and disruption to go back and replace or repair carpenter built planters, especially on rooftops and balconies, every 3 – 5 years.

The aluminum frame also allows you to add accessories like casters, screen wall, trellises, and more.

Click to see more info on DeepStream's 3-component engineered commercial planter system with a hidden aluminum  frame supporting a waterproof liner from trademark marine anodized legs.
DeepStream’s 3-component engineered commercial planter system with a hidden aluminum frame supporting a waterproof liner from trademark marine anodized legs.

With DeepStream’s wooden planter design all parts are replaceable making maintenance, refinishing, and repairs quick and easy.

DeepStream-7 year old unmaintained pre-refinished planter in place with liner removed
DeepStream-7 year old unmaintained pre-refinished planter in place with liner removed
DeepStream 7 year old refinished planter back in place
DeepStream 7 year old refinished planter back in place after sanding off .014″ and applying Ipe Oil.

Even stainless steel fasteners are galvanically isolated by using a proprietary dielectric paste so that they may be removed easily years later to replace parts or refinish the planter easily. the before and after pictures of the 7 year old planter shown in pictures above only had the original coat of factory waterproofing and no maintenance.  The “fresh” look was achieved by sanding off just.014” of the 3/4″ thick planks exterior.

Why? Each plank of a wooden planter is cut from a different part of the tree ,or even different trees. This means each plank has its own differential rate of expansion, splitting, and warping when wetted. This makes dimensional stability using standard wood-on-wood construction in two dimensions impossible to maintain over time, and shipbuilding techniques and maintenance are far too costly for planter construction.

Tropical Hardwood properly maintained will last for decades in DeepStream's aluminum frame while recycled plastic lumber will be maintenance free
DeepStream Ipe planks after 7 years. Unmaintained on left. .014″ sanded off and and oiled on right

Wood on wood planter construction uses carpentry techniques that fasten wood to wood, and planters tear themselves apart with the expansive forces that wood exerts through repeated wet and dry cycles.

Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters

For centuries, wood dowels have been inserted into holes drilled into rock, then soaked with water. The expansion force of the wood is thus harnessed to crack blocks off marble and granite for construction, even though the blocks are hundreds of times thicker than the thin wooden dowel. This is the same action at work on a carpenter built wood planter splinting seams apart.

Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters,

In addition, most wood planters lack adequate isolation from the soil and the deck or sidewalk, which promotes fresh water rot, water entering vertical planks creates cracks as you see above and below.

Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters, without proper liners the soil in contact with the wood creates rot.
Problems with carpenter built wood planters
Problems with carpenter built wood planters, rotting from the bottom up.

Marine Anodized Aluminum Frame

DeepStream uses proprietary marine anodized legs and stainless steel fasteners to clamp the wood and direct the expansionary forces up the channel so that the wood can expand and contract at different rates without affecting the planter’s structural integrity. Anodizing means there is no paint or powder coating to fail.

DeepStream Designs proprietary marine anodized extruded aluminum structural legs
DeepStream Design’s proprietary marine anodized extruded aluminum legs are engineered to support a hidden structural aluminum frame which supports the waterproof liner and HDPE feet to isolate the planter from contact with soil and the ground.

Unless directed to do so by a customer, DeepStream never uses paint or powder coating, which will fail in 3-5 years. If you order environmentally friendly maintenance free recycled plastic lumber they may be cleaned with a pressure washer.

7 year old Mariner leg

Virtually blemish free 7 year old proprietary marine anodized aluminum leg after simply wiping down with mineral spirits

DeepStream Proprietary trademark Mariner T marine anodized aluminum extrusion used to join 2 modular planters to create long planters.
DeepStream proprietary trademark Mariner T marine anodized aluminum extrusions are used to join 2 modular planters to create cost effective long planters of any length.
DeepStream's cost effective, quick and easy, multi-section planter assembly.
Cost effective Long Rooftop Planters feature Simple Slide-in-Easy assembly and rugged planter liners

Planter Box: Wood or Recycled Lumber

Large Wooden Planter: comparing real wood to recycled plastic lumber. Click  to see more about recycled plastic lumber planters
Large Wooden Planter: comparing real wood to recycled plastic lumber

For even lower maintenance cost and greater longevity consider ordering DeepStream’s recycled plastic lumber planters and do your part to save the World’s tropical hardwood rain forests.

Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of premium woodgrain Recycled Plastic Lumber plus black and white smooth, planks
Recycled Plastic Lumber 5 color samples of premium wood grain Recycled Plastic Lumber, so real you have to touch it to tell its not wood plus black and white smooth, planks. 50 year warranty, low maintenance and pressure cleanable for sanitation and to remove graffiti.

Planter Liners with Advanced Drainage

DeepStream’s commercial grade rigid plastic liners, stock or custom welded to the exact size you need, mounted on an independent aluminum frame, contain the soil and prevent contact between the soil and the wood, preventing rot.

16 sizes of rugged waterproof stock planter liners and custom welded liners to any size: click the picture for more information
Lightweight wood planters need liners to prevent them from rotting. Here you see 16 stock sizes of rugged waterproof, food safe, plastic planter liners with advanced drainage Custom welded planter liners are available in any size.
DeepStream's tapered liner with advanced drainage and the components of the 3-part drain pad with Bio-Barrier to prevent root blockage
DeepStream’s tapered liner with advanced drainage and the components of the 3-part drain pad with Bio-Barrier to prevent root blockage
Commercial grade recycled plastic liners with drain well and threaded outlet
Commercial grade recycled plastic liners with drain well and threaded outlet

This waterproof liner inside the planter box design means that the roots never overhead as while single wall pots and planters like aluminum and fiberglass can reach 130 degrees on an 80 degree clear day, our loners never get warmer than air temperature allowing your plants to flourish. Advanced drainage means they wont drown in heavy rains.

A woman is ussing a thermal gun to measure Thermal gain by taking the temperature on the outside of large planters filled with palms and flowering vines on a sunny penthouse rooftop deck in tropical Miami.
Measuring Thermal gain by taking the temperature on the outside of a planter on a sunny 80 degree day. With DeepStream’s liner-within-a-planter-box design the roots never get warmer than the air temperature.
The temperature reading on a thermal gun shows a reading of 125 degrees fahrenheit for the outside of a planter on a sunny 80 degree day.
Thermal gain is indicated by a reading of 125 degrees fahrenheit for the outside of a planter on a sunny 80 degree day. For a single wall planter or pot this means that the roots will be negatively impacted.

The waterproof planter liner with advanced drainage is an important feature of DeepStream’s commercial planter system. Container grown bushes, small trees, and perennials require repotting from time to time and DeepStream’s liners tapered shape allow for easy replanting and conditioning in the spring.

container gardening repotting supplies
Container gardening requires a few simple repotting supplies.

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